Monday, July 26, 2010


We've started some meat birds. The hatchery sends you an extra chick for free, you just don't get to choose the breed. I thought, "Heck, why not?" one more bird is a good thing, right?

Well here she is, we call her chickzilla. She (or he) is only two weeks old and is HUGE. I believe she may be a Dominique. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


  1. That's not a Dominique. It's definitely a Dodo. You are going to make a fortune; don't eat her!

  2. Haha. That made me laugh out loud. I thought perhaps she's an emu. Look at the size of those feet!

  3. Chickzilla is no more. It rained last night and the peeps freaked out, piling on until two were smothered. Poor little chickzilla.

  4. That's definitely NOT a Dominique or Barred Rock. Might be an Aracauna as they are commonly "extra" chicks.

  5. Oh! I just saw that the little chick died. I lost 64 chicks one year due to them piling in the coop. Some batches of chicks are just more skittish than others. I'm sorry you lost her. It would have been interesting to see what she feathered out as.
